Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A rivalry worth noting

Canadians contend that Montreal bagels are superior to those from NY.

My roommate Casey hails from Canada and exposed me to the delicious treat that is the Montreal bagel. When her boyfriend Ronnie arrived with several bags of these foreign bagels, I too could not contain my glee. The best way to describe the difference between NYC and Montreal bagels is through analogies. Thick to thin. Fluffy to Compact. Shmear ready to Shmear not necessary.

Brooklyn in Utah

Bagels win best supporting role at Sundance

The Benchmark

The Bagel Chateau will serve as the benchmark against which all other bagel establishments are judged.

It is the reason I made it through so many grueling 6AM swimming practices and survived the morning after so many crazy nights. If you ever visit the fine little town of Westfield, you should check it out.

I'd recommend the everything bagel with cream cheese and lox.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bagel Bitch

Born in Mt. Kisco, NY and bred in Westfield, NJ...
bagels have been a staple of my diet for as long as I've had teeth.

Growing up in a suburb of NYC has allowed me the opportunity to be exposed to (and spoiled by) the best of the best. My friends tell me I'm a harsh critic with impossible expectations and when it comes to bagels, I'd have to agree.

Since I've moved about the globe from Sydney to the South, there has been one thing I search for every place I go.

The best bagel in town.